
Webinar: Finding Unexpected Meaning in Retirement

Webinar with Dr. Kore Liow, hosted by Mark Roberts.

In his third third work, Mark Roberts is always looking for compelling examples of people who are flourishing in creative ways after they retire, living fully as they make a difference in the world.

Webinar: Creating Wellness in the Third Third of Life

Webinar with Hilda Davis, hosted by Mark Roberts.

Wellness isn’t just about not being sick. And it’s not only about physical health. Rather, wellness is flourishing in every part of life. It’s about living well mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally.

Webinar: Aging Faithfully with Alice Fryling

Webinar with Alice Fryling, hosted by Mark Roberts.

Mark Roberts will be interviewing Alice about her brand-new book, Aging Faithfully: The Holy Invitation of Growing Older.

Webinar: Intergenerational Collaboration:
A Key to Third Third Flourishing and Transformed Communities

Webinar with Eunice Lin Nichols, Raymond Jetson, and Sherreta Harrison, hosted by Mark Roberts.

The De Pree Center is excited to host a webinar with three people who are doing innovative work bringing generations together.

Webinar – Third Third and the Church: Expansive Vision and Practical Tools

Webinar with Dr. Amy Hanson, hosted by Dr. Mark Roberts

The Bible promises that those who are righteous will flourish. “They will bear fruit even when old and gray; they will remain lush and fresh” (Psalm 92:14, CEB). People in the third third of life have the potential to live fully, fruitfully, and faithfully.

Webinar: Building and Rebuilding Joy
in the Third Third of Life

Webinar with Jim Wilder, hosted by Mark Roberts

We’re all in the building-rebuilding process when it comes to joy in the third third of life.

Webinar: Flourishing in the Third Third of Life

Webinar by Mark Roberts

This webinar explores how to serve the “third thirders” in your ministries as well as think in new ways about your own future.

Webinar: Purposeful Retirement:
Live Well as You Make a Difference that Matters

Webinar with Marc Belton, hosted by Mark Roberts

Do you want retirement to be filled with purpose?

Webinar: Retirement Reformation:
Abundant Fruitfulness in the Third Third of Life

Webinar with Bruce Bruinsma, hosted by Mark Roberts

Retirement is generally seen as a time of relaxation and self-focus. Making a difference that matters is a thing of the past, or so we are told. Not so, says Bruce Bruinsma, author of the trailblazing book, The Retirement Reformation.

Looking Back on Blessings
and Looking Ahead to New Opportunities:
An Interview with Elizabeth Smith

Mark Roberts interviews Elizabeth Smith, whose life story and third third vision are compelling. A fascinating and inspiring interview.

Webinar: Living on the Encore Curve

Webinar with Andy Raub, hosted by Mark Roberts

People in the third third of life aren’t stuck in the Decline Phase. Rather, they can live with purpose, productivity, and joy on the Encore Curve.

Webinar: Uncommon Retirement

Webinar with Jeff Haanen, hosted by Mark Roberts

This webinar offered a new vision of what we call “retirement.” Based on Scripture, this vision will help folks to flourish in the third third of life.

Webinar: The Power of Purpose in a Pandemic

Webinar with Richard and Leona Bergstrom, hosted by Mark Roberts

This webinar focuses on how those in the third third of life can discover a new sense of purpose that will focus and empower us in the midst of the pandemic.

Third Third Webinars

Webinars about the Third Third

A collection of all the webinars hosted by the De Pree Center’s Third Third Initiative