
Webinar: Retirement Reformation:
Abundant Fruitfulness in the Third Third of Life

June 2, 2021 • Third Third Journal, Webinar

Watch the Webinar Now.

This webinar was sponsored by Fuller’s De Pree Center and was recorded on Friday, June 25th, 2021 at 9AM (PT) via Zoom. You can watch the YouTube recording now.

Webinar Details

Retirement is generally seen as a time of relaxation and self-focus. Making a difference that matters is a thing of the past, or so we are told. Not so, says Bruce Bruinsma, author of the trailblazing book, The Retirement Reformation. “Retirement is simply a stepping stone to future purpose and ministry,” Bruce claims. “Our calling to love and serve others doesn’t end at retirement. In fact, you may do even more for God’s Kingdom in this season when you have the time and financial freedom to apply a life’s worth of talent and experiences. You have unique passions, abilities, and experiences that God wants to use in ALL seasons and stages of your life.”

Bruce Bruinsma’s vision of fruitful retirement is shaped by his more than 40 years of professional experience in retirement planning and finance. He has been a pioneer in redefining what retirement means. Bruce is the founder of The Retirement Reformation, which “is committed to encouraging a movement where every Christ follower is confident in God’s plan for a lifetime of faithful service and committed to helping the Body of Christ reform its understanding of retirement—then bearing fruit without measure.”

The De Pree Center is excited to talk with Bruce about his compelling vision in an upcoming webinar. Mark Roberts, Senior Strategist for our Third Third Initiative, says, “God is using Bruce to awaken the people of God to new possibilities for their retirement. These possibilities are based, not on limiting cultural narratives, but on a biblical understanding of how God blesses and uses us in all seasons of life. I hope you’ll join us as I interview Bruce in our webinar, Retirement Reformation: Abundant Fruitfulness in the Third Third of Life.”

About Our Speakers

Bruce Bruinsma, founder and CEO of Envoy Financial, a retirement provider that serves those in ministry, author of The Retirement Reformation, and inspiration for the movement bearing that name.


Mark Roberts, Senior Strategist for the Max De Pree Center for Leadership and architect of the Center’s Third Third Initiative. Mark is the author of eight books and the main writer of the De Pree Center’s daily devotional, Life for Leaders.

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