
Webinar: Building and Rebuilding Joy
in the Third Third of Life

May 5, 2021 • Third Third Journal, Webinar

Watch the Webinar Now.

This webinar was sponsored by Fuller’s De Pree Center and was recorded on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 at 9AM (PT) via Zoom. You can watch the YouTube recording now.

Webinar Details

Webinar Description

Many people live joyfully in the third third of life. They take delight in the gifts and challenges that come with getting older. Yet many others seem to be stuck in an unrelenting funk as they age. The inevitable losses that come in the third third of life weigh heavily on their hearts. They yearn for persistent joy, but don’t know where to find it.

Dr. Jim Wilder believes that we can experience genuine joy as we age. But living joyfully isn’t something that magically happens to us. Rather, according to Dr. Wilder, it’s something we build intentionally. And it’s something we rebuild after times of loss and sadness. We’re all in the building-rebuilding process when it comes to joy in the third third of life.

In this webinar, you will learn from Dr. Wilder’s distinctive approach to human flourishing, one that combines theological wisdom with insights from brain science. you will be encouraged and guided in your efforts to build and rebuild a life of joy.

About Our Speakers

Dr. Jim Wilder (Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, and M.A. Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary) has been training leaders and counselors for over 27 years on five continents. He is the author of multiple books with a strong focus on maturing and relationship skills for leaders. His coauthored book Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You has sold over 100,000 copies and is printed in eleven languages. Wilder has published numerous articles and developed four sets of video and relational leadership training called THRIVE.

He is the founder and chief neurotheologian of Life Model Works, a nonprofit working at the intersection of brain science and theology that is building contagiously healthy Christian communities through equipping existing networks with the skills to thrive. Dr. Wilder has extensive counseling experience and has served as a guest lecturer at Fuller Seminary, Biola, Talbot Seminary, Point Loma University, Montreat College, Tyndale Seminary and elsewhere. He has a strong commitment to helping people in third third of life discover how to live with joy.

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2 thoughts on “Webinar: Building and Rebuilding Joy
in the Third Third of Life

  1. Bin Xu says:

    Hi, I heard that Dr Wilder was working on a study about how boarding school affect a student and life.

    May I ask how that has been progressing ?


  2. Joy Brightup says:

    That time doesn’t work for me. Will it be available later online?
    Joy Sielen Brightup PhD’80

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