
What Motivates You?

December 22, 2018 • Life for Leaders

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31


A man standing by a building.Recently, I led an executive team of a non-profit through a self-awareness exercise. I shared three goals for this exercise: to become more aware of my own strengths, to become more aware of other’s strengths, and to think about how this new awareness could be used to strengthen the culture of the organization.

I heard individuals share new insights about their strengths (and weaknesses) and an eagerness to actively support one another at work. It was quite an energizing time becoming more aware of self, others, and the potential of the organization to do more good.

I am constantly working on finding tools and exercises that help me become more self-aware. John Calvin argues in his Institutes that you can’t really know God if you don’t know yourself, and that you cannot know yourself without knowing God. I see my pursuit of self-awareness as part of my growing relationship to the God who created, called, and redeemed me.

I joined a workshop that my friends at Made to Flourish hosted to take an assessment called MCORE. Out of 27 possible key motivations, I found out that my number one motivation was to make an impact. That means that I find fulfillment in knowing that my actions have made a difference in a person or an organization. As I looked over the course of my 48 years of life, I could see a pattern, from a young age until now, that resonated with the idea of making an impact. I realized that I enjoyed leading that team of executives through those exercises because it touched on this core motivation.

This has been a valuable insight for me and for those who work with me. They understand better what drives me, why I get frustrated, and what brings me life. I understand myself better as well. I truly believe that the more I understand myself, the better I can get to know God. I learn to appreciate the unique person that God has shaped me to be and where God wants me to grow. As I get to know God and myself better, I serve others out of a more authentic self, as opposed to simply doing what I feel like I have to do or what I’m paid to do. As we begin 2019, let’s commit to growing in our knowledge of self and knowledge of God in our daily work.

Something to Think About:

52.3% of employees are unhappy at work.

The #1 reason people leave their job is that they don’t feel appreciated.

Only 34% of employees would recommend your company to a friend.

How could developing more awareness in your organization of self and others improve your work environment?

(From https://leadthroughstrengths.com/stats/)

Something to Do:

Check out the MCORE, here, and see if there is coach near you that can help you understand your core motivations and how those can be leveraged to help you grow in enjoying your life and work.


Father, we were made in your image with meaning and purpose. Help us to find those inner motivations that help us be successful and enjoy our work. Show me how to make my workplace a more positive environment so that all can thrive and so that you would be glorified. Amen.

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