
Posts tagged with: 1 Kings

A person sitting looking out at a peaceful lake

Preparing to Receive God’s Wisdom

We can imitate the example of Jesus, making time for solitude and silence so that we might hear the “still, small voice” of God’s Spirit.

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An elderly man sitting on stairs

Life in Lockdown:
Shaped in Solitude

Relationship with other people is essential to our humanity. Yet, at the same time, Scripture commends the value of being alone at times.

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Party balloons on the grass.

Longing to Be Right

You and I might quickly look at two boys arguing over who gets to keep a birthday balloon or two distraught women seeking justice when only one baby is left between them, and try to figure out which one is “right.” A longing to be right is often at the heart of so many of our divisions.

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A student spending time with an older adult, sharing a laptop.

Mentors and Mentees are Both Impacted

Am I being a mentor? I made the claim yesterday that the powerful mentor/mentee relationship of Elijah to Elisha is something modern leaders should emulate today.

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The silhouette of someone older advising someone younger.

The Power of Mentoring: When the Mentee Surpassed the Mentor

As I was preparing a sermon recently, I was inspired by a blog by Daira Curran to remember the importance of mentoring (http://purposecity.com/insights/biblical-importance-mentor/). Here in this story of Elijah and Elisha, we get a picture of a unique relationship of mentor and mentee. If you are familiar with the story, you’ll remember that Elijah was a powerful prophet who was ultimately raptured — never tasting death! How could the mentee Elisha ever out-do that? Yet Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, which resulted in a fruitful ministry for Elisha that some would argue surpassed that of his mentor.

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