
Posts tagged with: 1 Corinthians

A person unbuttoning their shirt to show their hidden Superman shirt.

What is Your Work?

Defining your work is very specific to your context. Using my work as an example, that means 75% is church, 20% is home and 5% is other. Your work proportions will look different, but the important thing is to not limit your understanding of work to only that which you get paid for or have a title.

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Sparks and trails of light capture in a photo of a dark night.

Surrendering to Mystery

God is mysterious. That sentence is difficult for me to write. Writing that sentence is an act of surrender. It is an admission that I have to let some things be and trust God anyway. I cannot know the answers to all my questions about why God allows some things, yet seems to intervene in others. Apparently, I don’t need to know all the answers if my faith is meant to mean anything at all. The mystery, it would seem, is the habitat in which faith thrives and grows strong.

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Choices of falsity or truth to choose from.

The Big Reveal (Faith & Work Integration Finale)

I would however like to offer a different perspective on the main goal of marketplace ministry. Could it be that God’s plan is to simply provide irrefutable evidence in the most public spaces of his Sovereignty, which would give every person and system the ability to clearly choose or reject his Lordship?

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Reimagining Human Work, Part 2

So what has been forgotten and lost? What can we learn from an older, biblical vision of human work? In today’s text, Paul picks up the original creation story imagery of human work as gardening. While Paul didn’t work in an actual garden, he saw his gospel work imaginatively within that framework.

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Shadows of people deciding which way to go.

Faithful Leadership

Have you ever been faced with making a difficult decision; a decision with which someone was sure to disagree?

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Someone consulting a map

In Uncharted Territory, Adaptation is Everything

According to historical geographer John Logan Allen, the moment Meriwether Lewis and his scouting party from the Corps of Discovery crested the Lemhi Pass looking for the Columbia River and found only miles and miles of snow capped peaks, was when his “geography of hope” gave way to the “geography of reality.” And a disappointing reality it must have been.

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