
Inés Velásquez-McBryde

Ines Velasquez-McBryde

Pastor, Preacher, Speaker

Fuller Theological Seminary


Inés is an ordained pastor, preacher, reconciler, writer, and speaker. We are pleased to feature Inés as a regular Life for Leaders writer.

On June 15, 2019 Inés received her Master of Divinity degree from the School of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary where she now serves as a Chaplain. She is originally from Nicaragua, but called Arkansas home since 2001 until moving to southern California in 2016 to earn her MDiv.

She has 19 years combined experience in church-planting and pastoral staff leadership in multi-ethnic churches. She has a passion for racial reconciliation in and through the local church and the full inclusion of women in pastoral leadership.

Inés has spoken in local church pulpits across the nation, as well as national and regional conferences regarding multi-ethnic church planting, racial reconciliation and cross-cultural competency. These conferences include:

  • Exponential Español 2019 (Long Beach, CA)
  • Mosaix National Multi-Ethnic Church Conference 2016 & 2019 (Dallas, TX)
  • Evangelical Covenant Church denomination’s triennial women’s gathering called I AM 2019 (Minneapolis, MN)

Inés has also written as a Latina for SheLoves Magazine and as a contributing writer for the She Is: Biblical Reflections on Vocation workbook and Life for Leaders devotional for Fuller’s DePree Center.

In the fall of 2016, her husband Rob and son Nash, drove cross-country from Arkansas in order for her to pursue the dream to attend Fuller Seminary in Pasadena. She loves the telling of stories over a good café con leche, especially if it involves encouraging women to find their God-given voice and walk in the fullness of their gifting.

My goal is to give God the glory by knowing Him and making Him known by making disciples of all nations, tribes, and tongues. Feel free to email me at ines@inesmcbryde.com. Follow me on Twitter at @INESmcbryde.

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Explore Ines' Resources

Finding God: Hope is a Habit that Grows in the Dark

A 10-Week Devotional Guide by Inés Velásquez-McBryde 
Price: $7.99

I have never heard of a hope-filled person who did not have a story of hardship. Hope grew in the hardship. Our prayer is that this devotional guide would plant fruit-bearing seeds and water pre-existing seeds in your own life.

A dove flying through the air

Cultivating Hope

Devotional Series by Inés Velásquez-McBryde

From the examples of Abram/Abraham in the Bible and her grandmother, her abuela Sara, Inés helps us to have hope in these challenging days.