

This is a curated collection of resources that is considered to be the best of vocation content. This collection includes articles, books, podcasts, videos, and free online courses.


Why Work? by Dorothy Sayers

Essay by Dorothy Sayers

“The only Christian work is good work well done. Let the Church see to it that the workers are Christian people and do their work well, as to God: then all the work will be Christian work, whether it is church embroidery, or sewage farming.”

Conversing: Dave Gibbons on the Changing Church

Dave Gibbons, pastor of the Newsong global alliance of churches, reflects on disruption, risk, and the cultivating an imagination for the future of the church

Format: Podcast

Conversing: Dave Evans on designing a life of faith

In this episode of “Conversing,” writer Dave Evans applies the discipline of design to the search for a meaningful life and discusses the “collaborative process” of following God’s will.

Format: Podcast

An interview with Katherine Leary Alsdorf, part iii: “There is no one-size-fits-all template”

God wants us to be risk-takers and get out of our comfort zone and respond to our callings in the world — not on our own strength but by leaning into him.

Format: Interview

7 Ways to Discover Your Best Ideas

Making is so connected to our emotions (and so affected by our stress) because it’s closer to peacemaking than we realize. Less brainy and more hearty. And all kinds of block busting goodness. We all occasionally find ourselves looking for the next great idea but coming up completely empty. What helps you get out of a creativity black hole?

Format: Article

How to Achieve Your Greatest Career Potential (Without Leaving Your Current Job)

The world is changing. Companies are under pressure to improve margins in this globally competitive world. Show yourself to be faithful, willing and ready to tackle tough projects with a great attitude, and able to work with others, and you’ll rise to the top of any organization. You may just see the greatest career opportunity has been right in front of you all along.

Format: Article

How to Actually Have Influence at your Job

Every Christian has a mandate to lead and make an impact on the world around them. This leadership calling is not confined to a certain position, career or even a day of the week; it’s something we choose to walk out in our everyday lives. While every believer is called to lead, 97 percent of us will not do that standing behind a pulpit or ministering within the walls of the church.

Format: Article

Using Design-Thinking to Create Your Best Life with Susan Burnett

Susan Burnett discusses how you can use design thinking to intentionally design a day that honors your priorities (whatever they may be) and leverages your energy.

Format: Podcast, 23 minutes

The Career of the Future Looks More Like a Portfolio than a Path

My friend Diane says that she “works in seasons.” Over the years, she’s worked in a combination of new and familiar places and employed skills as diverse as financial management, teaching, research, and writing, and each of these work seasons has had a different balance of introspection, independence, and income.

Format: Article

Myths of Vocation

Many of us carry around a set of dysfunctional beliefs about what work and calling are supposed to look like. These myths are often larger cultural narratives we find ourselves trapped within. And we are forced to confront these myths whenever our experiences fall out of sync with the myths of vocation.This series takes up four distinct yet overlapping myths. We’ve created a four-volume study guide series that includes PDFs with journal prompts, videos, and suggested spiritual practices.

Format: Workbook Guide

Do I have a Calling? Or Is That For Special Christians?

The main point I want to make here is that, according to Scripture, if you are a follower of Jesus, then you do indeed have a calling, a vocation. It’s not just for special Christians. And the more you recognize and embrace your calling, the more it will transform your life.

Format: Article

Practicing Yes: Taking Vocation Step by Step

Instead of a single determined path, I am learning to take daily steps of faithful obedience to God instead, trusting his calls over my life. I trust that he will lead me into different days and seasons, and along different paths, which will require me to say yes to many different things along the way, both small and big.

Format: Article

Why Passion Isn’t the Holy Grail of Work

My two hopes for us are this: First, that we fear not in trying new things when we sense God’s activity in our midst. Second, I hope that we can cultivate new mental models about passion and work because most people only know what they are passionate about after they’ve experimented, iterated and reflected.

Format: Article

Reframe Episode 1: The Reframing Story

A fantastic (and free!) media production from Regent Marketplace Institute and the Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, & Culture, ReFrame aims to help you live out faith in everyday life, encouraging you to encounter Jesus afresh and allowing his story to shape your own. This first session explores how a fragmented and complex world can tempt Christians to either withdraw from or assimilate to the culture around them. However, the true story of Jesus enables Christians to resist these temptations and live integrated and faithful lives.

Format: Free Online Course

Myths of Vocation

Many of us carry around a set of dysfunctional beliefs about what work and calling are supposed to look like. These myths are often larger cultural narratives we find ourselves trapped within. And we are forced to confront these myths whenever our experiences fall out of sync with the myths of vocation.This series takes up four distinct yet overlapping myths. We’ve created a four-volume study guide series that includes PDFs with journal prompts, videos, and suggested spiritual practices.

Format: Workbook Guide