

This is a curated collection of resources that is considered to be the best of “Women & Leadership” content. This collection includes articles, books, podcasts, videos, and free online courses.


Gender Discrimination at Work: Faithful Resistance

An Article by Michaela O’Donnell Long.

I was on a panel recently that opened up with this question: As a woman, what are some of the ways you’ve been discriminated against in the workplace? And, how does the Gospel shape your response?

A Tale of Two Healings: Part I

A Devotion by Inés Velásquez-McBryde.

Jesus as a leader remains both interruptible and approachable.


A Devotion by Inés Velásquez-McBryde.

“People are not afraid of change, they are afraid of loss.”


From Failure to Fortitude

A Devotion by Inés Velásquez-McBryde.

At a recent job interview, I was asked a terrifying question: “Describe a time in your ministry life when you experienced failure; how did you respond to it and how did you grow from it?”

Hannah’s Lamentation

A Devotion by Inés Velásquez-McBryde.

Lamentation is a declaration that things aren’t as they should be.

She Is: Biblical Reflections on Vocation

A Workbook edited by Michaela O’Donnell Long

This workbook is designed to help people engage questions of vocation through the stories of various biblical women.

A Seat at the Table

A Workbook by Michaela O’Donnell Long

Too often, women are enculturated to “set the table” rather than “sit at the table” in their work. We believe it’s time for women to be at the table where God calls them to sit.

Ruth the Faithful: A Survival Story

Article by Meggie Anderson

The Church’s collective stories are filled with migration or movement for the sake of survival. We see God’s faithfulness prevail through these human acts of perseverance.

Rest, Play, and the Costs of Believing “I Can Do It All”

I looked over at my two-year-old daughter and through my own tears I said, “Evelyn, someday I will tell you the story of how I wrote a dissertation while you slept.”

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A Lifestyle of Work-Life Balance: Sarah Magidoff’s Story

After a series of difficult circumstances, Sarah slowly realized that the pressure, expectations, and stress to prove that she could live up to her calling just didn’t seem worth it.

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Practicing Yes: Taking Vocation Step by Step

As I keep moving and taking steps, I realize that my vocation was never a destination or place to find, but instead something more uniquely alive, waiting to be unraveled.

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Mary: The Risk-Taker

A yes to balancing both vocation and family may be a sacrifice of self-care. Work and life balance can feel like an ongoing choice for many women, but we are not left alone in these decisions.

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Below the Glass Ceiling

Article by Tiffany Castro-Tremblay

Feeling invisible in the workplace because you are a woman is painful. It can make you feel isolated and in doubt about your abilities. Yet God never forgets us, and he always sees us.

Lydia: The Innovator

The Philippian church was birthed with the work of prayer by the river. Women worked as they prayed and prayed as they worked. Lydia’s marketplace leadership, partnership in the gospel, and faith were intricately connected to the liberating mission being carried out by Paul.

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Esther: The Activist

Like Queen Hadassah-Esther, we must allow the marginalized voices from Black Americans to the voices we have yet to hear that are rising up to rock us to our core, move us to prayer in preparation for courageous action—even if it costs our very lives.

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